The Voroshilov Sharphooter[Ворошиловский стрелок](1999) Russia. NTV-Profit.Directed by Stanislav Govorukhin.Written by Aleksandr Borodianskii, Stanislav Govorukhin, and Iurii Poliakov. Based on Viktor Pronin's story "Women on Wednesdays." Cinematography by Gennadii Engstrem. Art Direction by Valentin Gidulianov. Music by Vladimir Dashkevich. Produced by Igor Tolstunov and Sergei Kozlov. Edited by Vera Kruglova. With Mikhail Ul'ianov, Anna Siniakina, Il'ia Drevnov, and Aleksei Makarov. In Russian with English Subtitles. | ![]() |
Provincial pensioner Ivan
Fedorovich, war veteran, former sharpshooter of the elite Voroshilov
regiment, is determined to bring to justice the scoundrels who have raped his
granddaughter. He goes to Moscow and beats the rug going from one department
to another, without success. Having had his share of humiliation, the
desperate old man declares war on the offenders and on the state. A sniper's
gun becomes the tool of righteous vengeance. |
Stanislav Govorukhin was born in 1936 in the Perm region
and grew up in Kazan. He studied geology in the 1950s. In 1967 he
graduated from the directing department of the All-Union State Filmmaking
Institute (VGIK). In addition to directing, he has acted in many films,
including Kira Muratova's Among the Grey Stones and Sergei Solov'ev's
Assa. He has also written scripts for his own and other directors'
films. In 1996 he was elected to the Russian State Duma, where he
chaired the Duma Committee on Culture.